Published on:

07 July 2019

Updated on:

11 December 2023

Read time:

3 minutes

Stephen Parsons

Group Managing Director

Tom Parsons

Managing Director

Relocating a company has a major impact on its staff and the business, with repercussions likely for many years to follow. It's a huge decision and one which cannot be taken in isolation.

Long-term financial and business plans have to be considered to ensure the best outcome all around. So where to start

Strategic planning

If you consider your business forecasts ahead of the whole process growth plans, expected turnover for the next five years, ten years etc. it will give you a broad idea of the type of space you are looking for and the number of staff you would hope to be able to accommodate, medium to long-term.

It's also a good idea to consider the quality of staff you want to attract in the coming years and to take time to think about the type of space and the location that might appeal to them. How important, will the image of your building be in drawing in both new recruits and new clients?

And, do you want new space to drive cultural change?

Seize the day

Office relocation is a great opportunity to make big and bold changes.

Have you considered new ways of working? The workforce is changing as different generations move things along, with their varying needs and expectations.

Agile working has materialised as a new and flexible way of working, which requires a mixed and flexible environment. This type of working model may better fit the point at which you hope your business and your team will arrive at in the near future and so is definitely work consideration when relocation is on the cards.

In the area

There are some basic questions you will need to consider when sourcing approximate locations:

  • How accessible is this spot, in terms of major roads and public transport links?
  • How far will key staff have to travel?
  • Is this in a prime location for visiting clients?
  • Would this area tick a box for future job candidates?
  • What's nearby for lunchtime and after work activities?
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Speaking to the professionals

Once you have identified future growth plans and have some idea of the answers to your strategic questions, along with a definite area in mind, it's time to talk to the professionals.

You need to speak to consultants who can work with you and your team to identify the best location and use of space. They can take you through the process, from start to finish, to ensure your office is the perfect fit for your team and your business.

Again, it's a strategic approach.

Workplace consultancy and space occupancy studies will enable you to get a good insight into your workplace performance and a better understanding of what spaces will work best for your business to keep the team happy and to enhance productivity.

These preparatory studies, which involve canvassing members of staff to determine what they think and want, provide the foundations for some of the best office spaces.

Drop us a line, for further information on how we can work with you to make a successful office move.

Meet the Authors

A renowned consultant and motivating leader, with a 26 year career in the office fit out industry, working extensively across the UK and Europe, Stephen has an exhaustive knowledge of office fit out and a proven track record for delivering results. As Group Managing Director and a member of the Board, Stephen has overall accountability for the content of the work and the performance of the team.

Tom is an experienced, focused leader who takes pride in motivating his team to deliver the best results. Having worked in the industry for over 15 years, he has a keen insight as to the business needs of the client and what it will take for a project to successfully meet those needs.