
8000 sq ft




Marketing & Media


10 weeks

Micron where looking to relocate and create a new UK Headquarters in Bracknell.

They wanted a results-orientated office environment that would support informal collaboration and faster decision-making. They partnered with Office Principles to design a stunning new workspace that would give them a fresh start to accelerate their growth and success.

In the past Office Principles have worked with Micron on many projects across the UK and Europe, so we fully understood the way that they worked, and what was important to them. Office Principles created a design that fully matched their requirements and culture and also met their technical and budget expectations.

Office Principles worked with Micron to design a workspace that would increase productivity and reduce process time. A state-of-the-art meeting suite was created, and a sophisticated furniture solution meant that height-adjustable desking was used throughout.

Micron are world leaders in innovative memory solutions that transform how the world uses information. They have been instrumental to the world's most significant technology advancements, delivering optimal memory and storage systems for a broad range of applications.

1206 Micron 019